הרצאה בכנס באוניברסיטת אריאל, מרץ 2014

Department of Criminology, Ariel University


International Conference on:


"Who pays the price? Society, victims and offenders"

11-12, March, 2014



Tuesday, March 11, 2014

09:00 – 09:30    Registration and reception

09:30 – 10:00    Greetings:

Prof. Israel D. Nebenzahl, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ariel University

Prof. Sarah Ben-David, Head of Criminology Department, Ariel University

Prof. Menahem Amir, (Professor Emeritus), awarded Israel Prize in Criminology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

10:00-10:30     Opening session

Prof. Moshe Addad (Professor Emeritus), awarded Israel Prize in Criminology.

Peres Academic Center and Bar Ilan U niversity


Who pays the price: Stigmatization  and predisposed factors


10:30-11:00     Plenary session:

Powerlessness as a Dimension of Power: Understanding Victims of Abuse of Power. Dick D.T Andzenge, St. Cloud State University, USA.

11:00-11:15     Coffee break



11:15-12:30     Parallel sessions:

  1. Children as a victims

   Session chair: Ruth Wolf

A Room of One's OwnMichal Mahat Shamir, Tel Aviv University.

Escaping the “Physical Child Abuse” Pattern – Therapeutic Intervention with victims of violence in the family using the Gestalt Method– Ruth Wolf, Bar-Ilan University.


From Abuse to Contact: An Intervention Program for Abusing Parents and their Abused Children using Animal Therapy- Roni Segal, Adult Probation Service, Tel Aviv District


Victims of Initiation Schools in South Africa- Chadley James, Tokiwa University, Japan.


  1. Legislation, police & Democracy

   Session chair: Judith Abulafia

Stop question & Frisk– Elliot Miller, Sr. Detective Investigator,Brooklyn, NY.

Legitimacy and procedural justice in the context of political protest:

The case of the “Occupy Israel” movement- Gali Perry,

The Hebrew University.

Victims of violent separatist movement: conflicts in Xinjiang China- Sunyoung, Park, Kyungpook National University, Korea

The Public Protection from Sex Offences Law – From Vision to Reality- Galia Niv, M.S.W. Adult Probation Service.



12:30- 14:00     Parallel sessions:

  1. Prison management: Who pays the price? Legal and social issues

Session chair: Uri Timor

Prison management: Who pays the price- Ili (Ilana) Goldberg, Beit Berl Academic College.

Did the ex-prisoner pay his debt to society: Legal and social attitudes towards offenders who did time in prison- Uri Timor, Askelon Academic College.

From Risk to Correction: Therapeutic rehabilitative aspects of the "new detention law" – from the perspective of Adult Probation Service in Israel –

Yifaat Bar, National Supervisor, Arrests, Adult Probation Service.

Diverting from criminal proceedings- Sigal Hachamov, Deputy Probation Officer, Tel Aviv and Center District.


Females' choices of criminal Life Course- Irit Adamchuk, Ashkelon Academic College, Judith Abulafia, Ashkelon Academic College and Bar-Ilan University and Israel Nachson, Ashkelon Academic College.



  1. Victims and victimology: Theoretical and practical aspects

Session chair: Sarah Ben-David

Women and children are cult victims as reflected in the Victimology theories- the case of Israel- Michal Itzick, Ariel University.


Proportions of Unreported Crime by Victims in Lagos, Nigeria- Ayodele, Johnson Oluwole,  Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria.


Victims and their Role in the International Criminal Justice System: Ways Forward for Effective JusticeJean de Dieu Sikulibo, University of Strathclyde, UK.


The Factors related to the Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout among Professional Caregivers and Volunteers- Aviely Hila, Ariel University,

Ben-David  Sarah, Ariel University and Bar-Ilan University and Levy Inna, Ariel University and Zefat Academic College.

  1. Court system: Cultural, moral & rehabilitation issues

Session chair: Meir Hovav

The elephant in the court room: Judicial reaction to cultural conflict criminal cases– Tamar Tomer-Fishman

Eyewitnessing: Misidentification of Other-Race Bystander– Lea Jaeger, Beit Berl College.

Are you really sorry? The role of 'moral emotions' in the criminal justice system- Limor Navot, Psychologist, The Israeli Prison Service.

Judicial Discretion Construction Law: The place of rehabilitation in the Israeli law- Bracha Weiss, National Supervisor the Adult Probation Service Administration


14:00-14:45       Lunch break


14:45- 16:00     Parallel sessions:


  1. Forensic Psychology

Session chair: Eitan Elad

Trust, assurance, and frustration of police investigators and lay-people in hypothetical criminal interrogation situations- Eitan Elaad, Ariel University


The Application of behavioral profiling in Israel National Police- Maja Engelhard, Israel National Police

Forensic psychology in the criminal investigation- Alexander Gershfeld,

Israel Police.


Effects of guilty and informed innocents states of mind on their physiological responses to concealed information- Lisa Zvi, Bar-Ilan University and Ariel University,  Israel Nachson, Ashkelon Academic College and Bar-Ilan University,  and Eitan Elaad, Ariel University.

  1. Who pays the price in domestic family violence

Session chair: Arnon Edelstein

Culture transition, acculturation and Intimate Partner Homicide among Ethiopian Immigrants in Israel- Edelstein, Arnon, Kaye Academic College of Education.


Ethiopian males account for the double acts of murder and suicide committed by males in Ethiopian families post-migration to Israel- Brenda Geiger, Western Galilee College.


The Family Assistance program: Helping immigrant parents of juvenile delinquents- Liat Yakhnich, Beit Berl Academic College.


Risk Factors from Domestic Family Violence for the Cognitive and Emotional Development of Children- Ruth Harpaz, Ministry of Education and Galilee Academic College 


16:00-16:30    Plenary session:

Forensic Victimology– the Victim as Courtroom Evidence- D. Lee Gilbertson,

Saint Cloud State University, USA.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

8:30-9:00       Registration and coffee

9:00-9:30       Plenary session

Abused of female foreign workers:  An international perspective- Janice Joseph, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, USA.

9:30-11:00    Parallel sessions:

  1. The use of drugs: Therapeutic & economic issues

Session chair: Gila Chen

What do our clients say? Residents’ perceptions of recovery in Retorno – A Jewish therapeutic community- Natti Ronel, Bar-Ilan UniversityEty Elisha, Yezreel Valley CollegeUri Timor, Ashkelon Academic CollegeGila Chen, Ashkelon Academic College.

Music therapy with substance abusers: Dangerous vs. healing music- Moshe Bensimon, Bar-Ilan University.

Drugs and Terrorism:  Social, Economic & Global Consequences- Hagit Bonny-Noach, Ariel University and Beit Berl Academic College and Netanya Academic College and Israel Anti-Drug Authority.


The connection between drug abuse  and the sense of meaning in life-Yael Aviad-Wilchek, Ariel University, Vered Ne’eman-Haviv, Ariel University.


  1. Restorative justice in criminal proceeding in Israel

Session chair: Efi Braver


The status of "Sulha" in the Israeli Criminal  Law- Haran Fainstein, Judge (Ret.)

Restorative justice in sexual offences as an inclusion process Betezek – The Israeli coalition for restorative justice in sexual offences- Carmit Klar-Halamish, Lawyer & Mediator, and Noam Israeli, psychologist & Family Therapist.


Restorative justice on the criminal justice process? The procedure of the treatment? A mediator or link between the two? Suzy Ben Baruch, Hebrew University and Beit Berl College.


Restorative Justice programs: Victim-offender mediation, "KEDEM"– Varda Rappaport, National Supervisor, Juvenile Probation Service.



  1. Children and youth at risk: Prevention and intervention

Session chair: Hagit Cohen-Medina


Prevention of aggressive behavior among young children: focusing on cultivation of social neurocognitive functions- Tevelev, Vitali, Matzpen Psychological Counseling Center.


Group intervention for juvenile driving offences" ("test drive") – Orit Eldar, Deputy District Juvenile Probation Officer, Central District


"MAATEFET"- Wraparound  program for juvenile offenders- Efi Braver, Director Juvenile Probation Service.

Social support net, emotional self disclosure and the relation to emotional distress among adolescence: Normative youth vs. youth at risk- Hagit Cohen-Medina, Ariel University.



11:00-11:30     Coffee break


11:30-13:00     Parallel sessions:


  1. Immigrants in Israel: When the sub cultures meet the culture

Session chair: Elazar Leshem


Un-normative behaviors perception among Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel- Elazar Leshem, Ariel University and Vered Ne’eman-Haviv, Ariel University.

The connection between cultural compatibility strategy, ego identity formation, sense of alienation and name using patterns among Ethiopian immigrants in Israel- Anati Timsit, Hebrew University and Ariel University.

Immigrants and Crime: Desistance and Persistence among Adolescents from the Former Soviet Union in Israel- Hagit Turjeman, Western Galilee College.

A study evaluating the efficacy of the 'second chance' program in preventing recidivism among immigrant young offenders over time- Ruthie Saragosti, Yedidim for Youth and Society and Arnon Edelstein, Kaye Academic College of Education.

  1. Victims of terrorism: Who pays the price

Session chair: Moshe Bensimon


When sport pays the price of terror: The influence of the El-Akza uprising on hosting sporting events in Israel- Moshe Levy, Ariel University, Yair Galily Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya  and Ilan Tamir, Ariel University.

From demonization to identification:  How parents who lost children in terrorist attacks perceive the attacker– Yael Saka, Bar-Ilan University and Keren Cohen-Louck, Ariel University.


The triple victimization of remarried war and terror widows- Ya'arit Bokek-Cohen, Ariel University.

No longer willing to pay the price: Remarried religious widows whose first husbands were killed in the army or in terror attacks undermine an Israeli myth- Chaya Possick, Ariel University, Udi Lebel, Ariel University, Shoshana Luwisch-Omer, Ariel University.


13:00-13:45    Lunch break



13:45-15:00    Parallel sessions:


  1. Victims and offenders of sexual crimes: Who pays the price

Session chair: Haran Fainstein


Sexual Violence in Deviant Sub Cultures – The Sado-Masochistic Community as a Study Case- Noam Haviv, Hebrew University.


Multiple Perpetrator Rape (Carried out by Adolescents )- Talia Etgar,

ELEM – Youth in Distress.


Risk assessments of female sex offenders: Actuarial tools versus dynamic criteria- Judith Abulafia, Ashkelon Academic College & Be’er Ya’akov Center for Mental Health, David Cohen, Be’er Ya’akov Center for Mental Health and Merav  Bukshizki, Be’er Ya’akov Center for Mental Health.



The unique characteristics of sexual abuse among Haredi boys- Sara Zalcberg,

  1. Recruited victims: Victimology of civil-military relations

Session chair: Udi Lebel

Territories as 'deviation': The framing of judea and samaria as 'existential threat' to Israeliness by security nets- Asaf Lebovitz, Hebrew University, and Ariel University.


Outlaws on both sides: Military disobedience discourse, media framing and public perception in Israel– Eithan Orkibi, Ariel University

The military grief regime:Terror and the national ranking of bereavement  –  praxis of de-victimization- Udi Lebel, Ariel University


Dimensions of Ooperational stress and forms of unacceptable risk taking with small arms – Accidents victims in the IDF- Uzi Ben-Shalom, Ariel University.



15:00-15:30      Plenary session

Positive victimology for victims of sexual assault– Ronit Luria, Beit Berl College and Natti Ronel, Bar-Ilan University.


15:30-15:45    Plenary session -Conclusion

Mally Shechory-Bitton, Ariel University and Bar Ilan University

16:30    A tour and Dinner
