
הרצאה בכנס באוניברסיטת לובן-בלגיה, נובמבר 2014

A Happy Family?
Offensive Sexual Conducts and Restorative Justice

"BETSEDEK" coalition – Israel

Penny leist

Carmit Klar Chalamish

Dalia Tauber

 Bat-ami Brot


"BETSEDEK” is a coalition of professionals and agencies who deal with cases of sexual misconduct and abuse, mostly among acquaintances, in small communities and families. It was launched by professionals who concluded that dealing with hurtful, destructive sexual conduct requires specific knowledge and skills, and realized that many of the victims' needs are not met by the existing agencies.

The presentation will focus on Betsedek’s practice, and the contribution of its being non-institutional to: (a) maintaining flexibility in adapting each case to the needs of the victim and the unique circumstances of each case; (b) appealing to a wide audience – both to those who plead to the authorities (and found their needs were met only partially or not at all), and those who choose to avoid approaching the authorities, or are prevented from doing so due to cultural, legal and other reasons.

Based on cases, the presentation will demonstrate focusing on harm as opposed to crime, active inclusion of family members and friends, and facilitating processes between victims and others involved who are not necessarily the sexual offenders, such as siblings, mothers, and offender/ victim parents. The discussion will relate to the contribution of those aspects to participation, secret disclosure and to restoration of familial and communal relationships.
